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Connecting with Jesus: Enneagram Gut Triad

“Connecting to Jesus: Gut Triad” is written over a few lavender flowers.

The Enneagram Gut Triad includes Types 8, 9, and 1. Each type has a unique perspective and struggle, but they share a common desire for control and autonomy. By understanding their motivations and fears, people in the Gut Triad can deepen their spiritual growth and connect with Jesus on a deeper level.

Enneagram Gut Triad

The Enneagram is a personality typing system that categorizes people into nine different types, based on their core fears, desires, and motivations. The Gut Triad, also known as the Instinctive Triad, includes types 8, 9, and 1, which are primarily driven by instinctual reactions and gut-level emotions.

People in the Gut Triad tend to focus on issues related to control, autonomy, and boundaries. They may struggle with anger, repression of instincts, and a sense of inner conflict or tension.

Type 8: The Challenger

Type 8 people are known for their strength, assertiveness, and independence. They are driven by a desire for control, and often strive to protect themselves and their loved ones from harm. Type 8s may struggle with vulnerability, tenderness, and trusting others.

When connecting with Jesus, Type 8s may resonate with his teachings on justice, strength, and leadership. Jesus' unwavering commitment to his mission and his willingness to stand up to authority figures may inspire Type 8s to cultivate their own strength and assertiveness in the face of adversity. Jesus' compassion and care for the marginalized may speak to the Type 8s' desire to protect and defend those they love.

Type 9: The Peacemaker

Type 9 people are known for their calmness, patience, and desire for harmony. They are driven by a desire for peace and unity, and often strive to avoid conflict or confrontation. Type 9s may struggle with indecisiveness, self-neglect, and a sense of inner emptiness.

When connecting with Jesus, Type 9s may resonate with his teachings on love, compassion, and forgiveness. Jesus' emphasis on peace and reconciliation may inspire Type 9s to cultivate their own sense of inner peace and harmony, and to seek to create a more peaceful world. Jesus' acceptance and care for all people, regardless of their background or status, may also speak to the Type 9s' desire for unity and inclusivity.

Type 1: The Reformer

Type 1 people are known for their sense of purpose, responsibility, and high standards. They are driven by a desire for perfection and improvement, and often strive to make the world a better place. Type 1s may struggle with self-criticism, rigidity, and a sense of inner frustration or dissatisfaction.

When connecting with Jesus, Type 1s may resonate with his teachings on righteousness, justice, and compassion. Jesus' emphasis on personal responsibility and accountability may inspire Type 1s to cultivate their own sense of purpose and responsibility, and to strive for excellence in all areas of their lives. Jesus' care for the marginalized and his commitment to social justice may speak to the Type 1s' desire to make a positive impact on the world.


Connecting with Jesus through the Enneagram Gut Triad can deepen one's spiritual journey and relationship with God. By exploring the different ways in which each Enneagram type within the Gut Triad can relate to Jesus, people can gain a better understanding of their own motivations and tendencies, and develop a greater sense of self-awareness and personal growth.

Through the teachings and life of Jesus, people can find guidance and inspiration for overcoming the challenges and obstacles that arise in their journey towards spiritual growth and transformation. By embracing the qualities and values exemplified by Jesus, such as compassion, forgiveness, and love, people can cultivate a deeper connection with themselves, with others, and with the divine.

Ultimately, understanding the Enneagram Gut Triad can serve as a powerful tool for people seeking to deepen their spiritual journey and connect with Jesus in a more meaningful way.

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Frequently Asked Questions About

Can your Enneagram type change over time?

While your Enneagram type is believed to be fixed, it is possible for your personality to evolve and for you to exhibit characteristics of other types as you grow and develop. Additionally, external factors such as life events, trauma, and personal growth can influence the expression of your Enneagram type.

Can knowing your Enneagram type help improve your relationships?

Yes, understanding your own Enneagram type and the types of those around you can improve communication and relationships by providing insights into motivations, fears, and behaviors. It can also help to develop empathy and understanding for others, leading to stronger and more fulfilling relationships.

Is the Enneagram compatible with my religious or spiritual beliefs?

The Enneagram has roots in several spiritual traditions and has been adopted by people of various religious and spiritual beliefs. It's not tied to any particular religion or belief system and can be used as a tool for personal growth and understanding regardless of your background or beliefs.