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As Christians, it's important that we treat everything we're taught with discretion and discernment. Many of you may be asking if the Enneagram is something Christians can and should use. We explore that question in this article.
Put simply, Jesus is the perfect example of every Enneagram Type. He is everything we should strive to be, so let's see how each of us, not just one Enneagram Type, can become more like Jesus.
Explore the Enneagram's compatibility with Christianity and its potential to support spiritual growth for believers.
Discover how the Enneagram Head Triad can help you deepen your spiritual connection with Jesus and find inner peace.
Explore the unique ways that each Enneagram Heart Triad type can relate to Jesus and his teachings.
Learn how the Enneagram can help the Gut Triad overcome their core struggles and grow spiritually in their relationship with Jesus.
This post explores the Enneagram, a personality typing system that divides people into nine types, and how it can help with personal and spiritual growth.