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Connecting with Jesus: Enneagram Head Triad

“Connecting to Jesus: Head Triad” is written over an aerial image of a peninsula.

The core emotion of the Head Triad is fear. The types in the Head Triad share this common fear, but respond and analyze in different ways; however, they are all known for using how they think as a response to their fears. By exploring the unique challenges and opportunities for growth of each type within the Head Triad, people can deepen their connection with Jesus and find inner peace.

Connecting with Jesus: Enneagram Head Triad

The Enneagram is a personality framework that categorizes people into nine different types based on their motivations, fears, and desires. Each type is organized into one of three triads: the Head Triad, the Heart Triad, and the Gut Triad. The Head Triad, also known as the Thinking Triad, includes Enneagram Types 5, 6, and 7.

Enneagram Types in the Head Triad

Type 5: The Investigator

Enneagram Type 5, also known as the Investigator, is driven by a need to understand and gain knowledge. They tend to be analytical and introspective, often feeling more comfortable in their inner world than in social situations. Connecting with Jesus for a Type 5 involves delving deeply into spiritual texts and engaging in contemplative practices.

Connecting with Jesus as a Type 5

Enneagram Type 5s can connect with Jesus by exploring their deep curiosity and desire for knowledge. They may resonate with Jesus' teachings on seeking truth and wisdom, and may find solace in his emphasis on personal growth and transformation. By incorporating Jesus' teachings into their lives, Enneagram 5s can deepen their understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Type 6: The Loyalist

Enneagram Type 6, also known as the Loyalist, is driven by a need for security and stability. They tend to be cautious and skeptical, often seeking guidance from authority figures or established traditions. Connecting with Jesus for a Type 6 involves exploring the teachings and wisdom of the Bible, and finding comfort in a sense of divine protection and guidance.

Connecting with Jesus as a Type 6

Enneagram Type 6s can connect with Jesus by exploring their sense of loyalty and trust. They may resonate with Jesus' teachings on faith and courage, and may find comfort in his promises of protection and guidance. By incorporating Jesus' teachings into their lives, Enneagram 6s can deepen their sense of security and trust in their relationships and in their faith.

Type 7: The Enthusiast

Enneagram Type 7, also known as the Enthusiast, is driven by a desire for adventure and stimulation. They tend to be optimistic and forward-thinking, often seeking new experiences and opportunities. Connecting with Jesus for a Type 7 involves finding joy and wonder in the teachings of Christ and exploring different spiritual practices and traditions.

Connecting with Jesus as a Type 7

Enneagram Type 7s can connect with Jesus by exploring their sense of adventure and joy. They may resonate with Jesus' teachings on finding joy in the present moment and may find inspiration in his life of service and selflessness. By incorporating Jesus' teachings into their lives, Enneagram 7s can deepen their sense of purpose and fulfillment and find ways to use their energy and creativity for the benefit of others.


For people in the Head Triad, connecting with Jesus involves deepening their understanding and knowledge of spiritual teachings and practices. This may involve delving deeply into the Bible, engaging in contemplative practices, or exploring different spiritual traditions and practices.

Overall, connecting with Jesus for people in the Head Triad involves deepening their understanding and knowledge of spiritual wisdom and exploring different practices and traditions to find what resonates with them on a personal level.

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Frequently Asked Questions About

Can your Enneagram type change over time?

While your Enneagram type is believed to be fixed, it is possible for your personality to evolve and for you to exhibit characteristics of other types as you grow and develop. Additionally, external factors such as life events, trauma, and personal growth can influence the expression of your Enneagram type.

Can knowing your Enneagram type help improve your relationships?

Yes, understanding your own Enneagram type and the types of those around you can improve communication and relationships by providing insights into motivations, fears, and behaviors. It can also help to develop empathy and understanding for others, leading to stronger and more fulfilling relationships.

Is the Enneagram compatible with my religious or spiritual beliefs?

The Enneagram has roots in several spiritual traditions and has been adopted by people of various religious and spiritual beliefs. It's not tied to any particular religion or belief system and can be used as a tool for personal growth and understanding regardless of your background or beliefs.