One question I see a lot is, “What’s Jesus’s MBTI?” In short, Jesus perfectly embodies all 16 Myers-Briggs types.
Jesus was and is the perfect example of what it means to be human. That means that we can look to Jesus to see what each of our types can look like in their perfect and most pure forms. In this article, we will look at Jesus as if he were simply just one Myers-Briggs type.
In this article we explore these statements:
- Jesus is an ISTJ
- Jesus is an ISFJ
- Jesus is an INFJ
- Jesus is an INTJ
- Jesus is an ISTP
- Jesus is an ISFP
- Jesus is an INFP
- Jesus is an INTP
- Jesus is an ESTP
- Jesus is an ESFP
- Jesus is an ENFP
- Jesus is an ENTP
- Jesus is an ESTJ
- Jesus is an ESFJ
- Jesus is an ENFJ
- Jesus is an ENTJ
Jesus is an ISTJ
1. Jesus Was Dedicated to Duty
One compelling reason to classify Jesus as an ISTJ (introverted, sensing, thinking, judging) is his deep-seated dedication to duty. ISTJs are known for their steadfast commitment to responsibilities and traditions, and Jesus exemplified this quality in his pursuit of his divine mission. He did not hesitate to fulfill the prophecies outlined in Jewish tradition or deviate from the sacred responsibilities entrusted to him. His life's work consistently demonstrated this dutiful attitude, from his teachings to his ultimate sacrifice on the cross.
2. Jesus Valued Detail-Oriented Practicality
ISTJs are typically practical, detail-oriented individuals who prefer concrete facts and realities over abstract ideas. This is mirrored in the parables that Jesus often used in his teachings. Rather than dealing in abstract philosophical notions, Jesus used concrete, everyday examples (such as seeds, coins, and sheep) to convey complex spiritual concepts. This down-to-earth, tangible approach to imparting wisdom fits well within the ISTJ profile.
3. Jesus Valued Predictability and Routine
The ISTJ personality type is known for its appreciation of predictability and routine. Jesus, too, displayed these traits throughout his life. His adherence to Jewish customs, including regular synagogue attendance and participation in traditional Jewish festivals, indicate his respect for predictability and routine. Furthermore, his teaching methods were systematic and methodical, as seen in the way he patiently taught his disciples over a span of several years.
Though predictability and routine were common in Jesus’s life, he was no stranger to spontaneity. If you share Jesus’s preferences toward the ISTJ Myers-Briggs Type, I encourage you to also share in his love of life and spontaneous nature so you can grow in the fullness of life Jesus has for you.
Jesus is an ISFJ
1. Jesus Was Nurturing and Service Oriented
The ISFJ, or the Protector personality type according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is recognized for their innate ability to nurture and serve others. This trait was evident in the life of Jesus Christ. He continually provided spiritual sustenance, guidance, and comfort to those around Him. The miracles of feeding thousands with nearly no resources, healing the sick, and raising the dead, showcased His desire to alleviate suffering. He taught love, forgiveness, and service, exemplifying the ISFJ's heart for caregiving.
2. Jesus Relied on Past Precedence
ISFJs are known for their respect and adherence to tradition and existing structures. Jesus displayed this trait by respecting the Jewish laws and customs of His time. He regularly attended synagogue, observed the Sabbath, and partook in Jewish festivals. His teachings, although radical in some respects, were deeply rooted in the Mosaic Law and the wisdom of the Old Testament prophets. This mirrors the ISFJ's preference for established norms while simultaneously displaying the capacity for innovative thought within those structures.
Jesus did challenge the societal and religious norms of his day, though. He did not blindly follow what had traditionally been taught, but he also didn’t write it off. Jesus says he “came to fulfill the law” not get rid of it. If you score highly as an ISFJ, I encourage you to follow Jesus’s example here. Respect the past, but do not worship it.
3. Jesus Had Deeply Personal Connections
Lastly, ISFJs are renowned for forming deep, personal relationships with those around them, often putting the needs of others before their own. Jesus demonstrated this trait in the intimate relationships He formed with His disciples and followers. His empathetic nature is evident in episodes like the washing of His disciples’ feet, and His compassionate responses to those who sought His help. He prioritized the needs of His followers, even to the point of sacrificing His own life, which encapsulates the selfless and deeply relational nature of the ISFJ personality type.
This trait also presents an opportunity to grow for ISFJ’s. Remember that your well-being is as important as the next person’s. If you’re spreading yourself thin trying to please everyone, remember that Jesus often spent time alone to pray and re-center his life on the Father. Serve others well, and the best way you can serve others well is to take care of yourself.
Jesus is an INFJ
1. Jesus was introspective
Jesus displayed characteristics consistent with those of an INFJ, beginning with his profound introverted intuition. This trait is about understanding the world by forming internal insights. It fosters a capacity for deep thought and reflection, typically leading to a focus on abstract concepts and ideas.
Jesus frequently retreated for periods of solitude, often praying alone or going off to a quiet place to think. He spent forty days in the desert to contemplate his mission. This strong inclination towards introversion and introspection is characteristic of INFJs, who rely on their inner world to comprehend the realities around them.
2. Jesus was profoundly empathetic
The second dominant characteristic of INFJs is extraverted feeling, a function that drives them to seek harmony in their surroundings. It prompts a profound empathy and understanding of others' emotions. Jesus’ teachings were all about love, forgiveness, and compassion towards others. He cared deeply about people, healed the sick, and comforted the afflicted.
His Sermon on the Mount, for instance, was a clear display of his extraverted feeling as he provided moral teachings that centered on love, righteousness, and peace. This drive to promote understanding, acceptance, and unity aligns perfectly with the INFJ personality type.
3. Jesus Had Visionary Idealism
Finally, INFJs are often idealistic visionaries, holding firm to their values and pursuing a greater purpose. Jesus had a clear vision for a kingdom based on love and justice, and he strived relentlessly to bring this vision to fruition. Despite opposition, hardship, and even the prospect of death, he did not waver from his purpose.
This principled idealism, despite external pressures, mirrors the INFJ's drive. INFJs are known to be unwavering in their convictions, consistently prioritizing their deeply held beliefs above all else. Jesus' life embodies the INFJ’s commitment to making their profound inner visions a reality.
Jesus is an INTJ
1. Jesus Had Strategic Vision
INTJs, often called the "Architects," are known for their strategic, long-term vision, mirroring the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus frequently demonstrated his ability to plan and work towards a long-term goal, the salvation of humanity. Like INTJs, He wasn't moved by short-term challenges or discomforts, but remained focused on His ultimate purpose. This unerring focus on a grander vision, often seen in INTJs, is one of the key indicators of Jesus' possible personality type.
2. Jesus Was Independent and Principle-driven
INTJs are highly independent thinkers, guided by a robust set of internal principles. Similarly, Jesus was consistently guided by His principles, even when they were in stark contrast with the societal norms of His time. He often acted contrary to the expectations of those around Him, revealing a high level of self-reliance and autonomy in His decision-making process. From dining with tax collectors to healing on the Sabbath, Jesus showed Himself to be a principle-driven and independent thinker, a characteristic trait of INTJs.
3. Jesus Had Deep Insights and Future Orientation
INTJs are known for their ability to develop deep insights and perspectives on a variety of topics. Jesus, throughout His ministry, demonstrated a profound understanding of human nature, spirituality, and morality. His parables, teachings, and actions consistently revealed a deep, intuitive understanding of the world and its complexities. His teachings often pointed to future events and spiritual realities beyond the immediate, physical world, which aligns with the INTJ's future-oriented nature.
Jesus is an ISTP
1. Jesus Was An Analytical Problem-Solver
The ISTP personality, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is known for its practical problem-solving abilities. Jesus showcased this trait numerous times throughout his ministry. Consider the feeding of the five thousand, where he solved the immediate problem of hunger by miraculously multiplying a handful of loaves and fishes. Or when the Pharisees tried to trap him with trick questions, and he responded with wisdom that silenced them. His quick-thinking and logical approach reflect the analytical nature of an ISTP.
2. Jesus Was Independent and Introverted
ISTPs are typically introverted, often needing time alone to recharge. We see this in Jesus as well, as he frequently retreated to quiet places to pray and rejuvenate (Luke 5:16). Despite his public persona, Jesus demonstrated an introverted side, valuing personal relationships over large crowds. His private conversations with his disciples, his interactions with individuals like Nicodemus or the Samaritan woman, are all indicative of this trait. His introverted nature, coupled with his independent spirit, aligns closely with an ISTP's demeanor.
3. Jesus Was Realistic and Grounded
ISTPs are known for their realistic and grounded approach to life. They value practicality and are typically very in tune with their physical surroundings. This was evident in Jesus's ministry. He often used parables and metaphors drawn from everyday life—farming, fishing, baking bread—to explain complex spiritual truths. He healed people's physical ailments and addressed their immediate, tangible needs. He was not a distant spiritual leader but was fully involved in the realities of life, showing the grounded, practical nature that is characteristic of ISTPs.
Jesus is an ISFP
1. Jesus Had Deep Emotional Understanding
First and foremost, ISFPs are characterized by their deep emotional understanding and empathy, which mirrors Jesus' demeanor. He was described as caring, compassionate, and sensitive to the feelings of others - traits synonymous with those of an ISFP. Jesus’ profound emotional intelligence was evident as he provided solace to the oppressed, healed the sick, and gave hope to the downtrodden, exemplifying the empathetic nature of an ISFP.
2. Jesus Loved Harmony and Peace
ISFPs are peace-seekers, always inclined towards harmony and avoidance of conflict. Jesus' teachings, at their core, were all about peace and unity. His famed Sermon on the Mount is centered on the idea of reconciliation, forgiveness, and peacemaking - "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God" (Matthew 5:9). This unyielding commitment to harmonious living strongly echoes the ISFP's ethos.
At the same time, though, Jesus had no tolerance for oppression of the poor and needy. This is an area of growth for the ISFP, who can lean toward complacency and conflict avoidance. Instead of backing down when others are in need, ISFPs should take a page from Jesus’ playbook and stand up for those in need.
3. Jesus Lived His Values
ISFPs live out their values rather than merely talking about them. They strive for authenticity, a trait echoed in Jesus' actions and teachings. He did not merely preach about love, humility, and forgiveness, but lived these values in his interactions with others. His life serves as an epitome of walking the talk, from washing his disciples' feet as a symbol of servitude to sacrificing himself for humanity's sins.
Jesus is an INFP
1. Jesus Had Deep Emotional Understanding
According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), INFPs are deeply in tune with the emotions and feelings of those around them, often capable of understanding complex emotional states with incredible intuition. Jesus was known for his empathetic nature and his ability to identify and soothe emotional distress in others. His parables often highlighted the importance of empathy, understanding, and emotional depth. His profound emotional intelligence and ability to perceive the emotional undertones in various social contexts closely align with the traits associated with the INFP personality type.
2. Jesus Pursued Moral Idealism
INFPs are known for their unwavering commitment to their values. They strive to lead lives that are in alignment with their deeply-held beliefs and ideals. Similarly, Jesus was a figure of immense moral idealism, striving for a world defined by peace, love, and understanding. His teachings, such as the Sermon on the Mount, showcased his intrinsic moral compass, emphasizing compassion, humility, and righteousness, demonstrating an alignment with INFP's core trait of upholding personal ethics above all else.
3. Jesus Had a Passion for Individualism and Uniqueness
INFPs value individuality and tend to celebrate the unique qualities of every individual. They believe in the potential of every person to contribute something valuable to the world. Jesus’ teachings echo this philosophy. His interactions with tax collectors, fishermen, and those ostracized by society reflected a recognition of the inherent worth of each individual, regardless of their social standing. Jesus emphasized the importance of personal growth, individual redemption, and the potential for goodness within every person. This trait clearly resonates with the INFP personality's focus on individual uniqueness and potential.
Jesus is an INTP
1. Jesus Valued Introspective Reflection and the Quest for Truth
INTPs, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, are introverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving people. They are analytical problem-solvers and deeply introspective, constantly seeking truth and understanding. There are several instances in the New Testament where Jesus exemplified these traits. Consider his 40-day retreat into the wilderness in solitude, a demonstration of his introspective and contemplative nature. His quest for the spiritual truth behind religious rituals and conventions also aligns with the INTP's pursuit of deeper understanding.
2. Jesus Was An Innovative and Independent Thinker
INTPs are known for their innovative thinking and independence of mind, often questioning conventional wisdom and societal norms. They think critically and creatively, unafraid to challenge established systems. Jesus, as portrayed in the scriptures, often challenged the religious authorities of his time, proposing new, more compassionate interpretations of religious law. His parables demonstrate innovative thought, using everyday examples to convey deep spiritual truths.
3. Jesus Prioritized Logic Over Emotional Appeals
While INTPs are capable of deep compassion, they primarily operate based on logic and objective analysis rather than emotional appeals. Jesus demonstrated this trait in numerous ways. One key example is when he prevented the stoning of a woman accused of adultery, using a logical appeal—"He who is without sin cast the first stone"—to disarm the emotionally charged mob. His teachings frequently employed rational explanations and logic to make moral points, showing an INTP’s preference for reason.
This is not to say that Jesus was not deeply emotional, and this is a great growth opportunity for INTPs. Logic is not everything and there is a time and place for emotions. I encourage you to pause and think about the world from this point of view. Instead of always thinking through something all the way to its logical conclusion, take a moment to sit in the uncertainty and see what happens.
Jesus is an ESTP
1. Jesus Was A "Doer" in Action
A core characteristic of the ESTP (extraverted, sensing, thinking, perceiving) personality type, as defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is being action-oriented or a "doer." The Gospels are full of instances where Jesus doesn't just preach theory or philosophize but steps up to act. Healing the sick, feeding the multitudes, calming storms – these are clear demonstrations of his proactivity, a hallmark of the ESTP personality.
2. Jesus Was Adept at Social Interaction
As an extrovert, an ESTP thrives in social situations. Jesus was exceptionally skillful at this, engaging with a wide variety of people, including tax collectors, fishermen, scholars, and the marginalized. He knew how to tailor his messages to resonate with his audience, displaying adaptability and perceptiveness. Whether speaking in parables to the crowds, or having one-on-one interactions like with the Samaritan woman at the well, his social dynamism shines through.
3. Jesus Was a Pragmatic Problem-Solver
ESTPs are pragmatic and focused on immediate, tangible results. They're not ones to get lost in abstract concepts but instead, see and act upon what's in front of them. When Jesus was presented with problems, he responded practically. Take the feeding of the 5,000 – he used a boy's five loaves and two fish to address the immediate needs of the crowd. This propensity for practical problem-solving further indicates an ESTP nature.
This is an area of growth for the ESTP as well. Jesus didn’t just focus on the practical, tangible needs of people but also on the deeper, emotional and spiritual needs of people. I encourage you to find opportunities to be like Jesus and go beyond the practical in order to serve people the best you can.
Jesus is an ESFP
1. Jesus Had Energy and Was Good at Connecting
The first hallmark of the ESFP personality, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is extraversion. Jesus Christ, as shown throughout the Gospels in the New Testament, consistently showed a preference for engaging with large crowds and a diverse range of people. He shared His teachings in a public, open manner, inspiring and motivating those around him. Whether speaking to His disciples or addressing a multitude, Jesus exuded a charisma and energy that resonated with those who listened, a characteristic indicative of extraverts.
Jesus spent just as much time in individual relationships as he did in large groups, too. If you are an ESFP, I encourage you to grow in this area and be like Jesus in how he interacts with individuals. Don’t just pay attention to group dynamics but go the extra step to connect with individuals, too.
2. Jesus was Practical and Paid Attention to Detail
The second ESFP trait, sensing, refers to a person's inclination to live in the present and focus on concrete, tangible information. Jesus often used parables--stories rooted in everyday experiences--to communicate His messages. By relying on concrete metaphors, like the sower and the seed or the prodigal son, He made complex spiritual concepts relatable to his audience. This focus on the practical and immediate aligns with the Sensing attribute of the ESFP.
3. Jesus was Empathetic and Compassionate
Feeling, in the MBTI framework, denotes a preference for making decisions based on personal values and the potential impact on others. Jesus’ teachings were centered on empathy, compassion, and love, which are foundational components of the Feeling trait. He healed the sick, comforted the sorrowful, and reached out to the marginalized, always prioritizing the emotional needs of others. His actions demonstrated an intrinsic concern for the emotional wellbeing of those around Him, reflecting the Feeling aspect of an ESFP.
Jesus is an ENFP
1. Jesus Had an Intrinsic Love for People
One of the strongest indicators that Jesus was an ENFP, based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is his profound love for people. ENFPs are renowned for their genuine interest in others and their capacity to form deep, meaningful connections. Jesus consistently demonstrated these qualities through his interactions with all walks of life, extending love, compassion, and empathy even to those who were marginalized or scorned by society.
2. Jesus Championed Transformational Ideals
ENFPs are passionate idealists, often motivated by visions of transformation and growth, both in themselves and others. They are often seen as the catalysts for change in their communities, not afraid to challenge established norms if they don't align with their core values. Jesus embodied this aspect of the ENFP personality through his teachings, regularly championing new, radical ideas that turned societal norms of his era on their heads. He was unafraid to question traditions, challenging others to shift their perspectives and strive towards spiritual growth and transformation.
3. Jesus Was Highly Intuitive and Emotionally Aware
The third reason Jesus may have been an ENFP is his pronounced intuitive and emotional intelligence. ENFPs are characterized by their keen awareness of the emotional state of others, coupled with a strong intuitive understanding of their motivations and potential. Jesus frequently demonstrated this ability, understanding people's needs, feelings, and thoughts often before they even expressed them. This emotional intuition allowed him to respond with wisdom and empathy, providing comfort, guidance, or rebuke as needed.
Jesus is an ENTP
1. Jesus Was A Visionary Thinker
Jesus can also be seen as an ENTP (extraverted, intuitive, thinking, perceiving) because of his visionary approach. He envisioned a future that broke from traditional Jewish teachings of his time, introducing a radical concept of love and forgiveness. He used parables and metaphors to express his unique, intuitive understanding of human nature and the divine, often challenging existing norms and provoking thought - a characteristic trait of an ENTP’s penchant for innovation and novelty.
2. Jesus Was An Excellent Communicator
Secondly, Jesus was known for his remarkable communication skills, another attribute typically associated with ENTPs. He was a charismatic speaker, able to connect with and influence people from diverse backgrounds, be it fishermen or tax collectors. His extroverted nature was clear through his public sermons and intimate conversations, where he expertly engaged his listeners, inspired critical thinking, and stimulated intellectual conversation. His communication style often included debating and challenging established beliefs, showing his ENTP trait of enjoying intellectual sparring.
3. Adaptable and Open-Minded
Lastly, Jesus showcased an open-minded, perceptive personality - a distinctive feature of ENTPs. He demonstrated flexibility in his teachings, adapting them to the understanding of his followers. He embraced uncertainty, often defying the rigidity of religious leaders of his time. This acceptance of new ideas and adaptability is reflective of the perceiving trait of ENTPs, who are generally tolerant of different viewpoints and are quick to adapt to changing circumstances.
Jesus is an ESTJ
1. Jesus Was An Assertive Leader
In the MBTI, the E stands for "extraverted," and the J represents "judging." These traits depict someone decisive and outgoing, characteristics often attributed to Jesus. In the New Testament, Jesus demonstrated his assertive leadership in numerous instances, such as when he overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple, or when he was unfailingly determined in his teaching, despite resistance. He was proactive in spreading his teachings, clearly an extroverted trait.
2. Jesus Was Dedicated to Tradition
The S in ESTJ stands for "sensing," representing a focus on concrete facts and details, in contrast to intuition. The T stands for "thinking," indicating a reliance on logic and reason. These traits align with Jesus's teachings, which were often grounded in the Jewish traditions of his time. Jesus was known for his commitment to the Jewish laws, although he also sought to redefine them with a spirit of love and forgiveness. His adherence to tradition and faith aligns well with the sensing and thinking aspects of the ESTJ personality.
3. Organized and Responsible
As part of the MBTI classification, the "judging" trait signifies a person who prefers a structured and organized lifestyle. Jesus often demonstrated these traits, exhibiting significant forethought and organization in his ministry. He appointed twelve disciples, instructed them on their mission, and set an example for them. The "Last Supper" also showcased Jesus’s thoughtful planning. He also often emphasized responsibility and accountability in his teachings. His commitment to living an ordered life and his focus on duty and responsibility embody the defining features of the Judging characteristic in the ESTJ type.
Jesus is an ESFJ
1. Jesus Was Unwaveringly Empathetic
Jesus's life, as described in the Gospels, was one of compassion, empathy, and deep understanding of others' feelings. These characteristics align with the "feeling" aspect of ESFJs in Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Whether it was his ability to comprehend the needs of his disciples, the pain of the sick, or the hunger of the masses, his empathy knew no bounds. This immense capacity for kindness towards others, irrespective of their status, reflects the emotional intelligence associated with the ESFJ personality type.
2. Jesus Had An Inclination Toward Social Harmony
Jesus was a man of the people. He was always amongst the crowds, preaching, healing, and connecting on a profoundly personal level. ESFJs are known as "Consuls" and are often seen establishing peace and harmony in social contexts, which aligns well with how Jesus taught love and unity among mankind. His teachings emphasized forgiveness, love, and peaceful coexistence, underscoring the harmony-seeking behavior consistent with ESFJs.
3. Order and Tradition
Lastly, the ESFJ type is strongly linked with a respect for order and tradition, elements that played a significant role in Jesus's life. He was a practicing Jew, following the customs and traditions meticulously. Even his attempts to reform were grounded in a deep reverence for God's laws, a traditionalist outlook. Furthermore, the orderliness of his teachings, the parables, and the Sermon on the Mount demonstrate a systematic, organized approach typical of the ESFJ's "judging" trait.
Jesus is an ENFJ
1. Jesus Was Empathetic and Service Oriented
The ENFJ personality type, often known as "The Protagonist," is recognized for their profound empathy and strong service orientation, both characteristics largely evident in the life of Jesus. In the New Testament, Jesus consistently exhibits compassion for the marginalized and afflicted, often prioritizing their well-being over societal norms. For example, His choice to heal the sick on the Sabbath, disregarding the stringent rules of His time, shows a clear focus on empathy and service above all else.
2. Jesus Was An Inspirational Leader
Jesus's influential leadership style is another marker of the ENFJ personality. ENFJs are known for their ability to inspire, motivate, and influence those around them. They possess a charismatic demeanor that encourages others to follow their lead. Jesus, as described in biblical accounts, exemplified these qualities. He was able to persuade his disciples to leave their lives behind, rally large crowds with his parables, and spread His message throughout the world. His teachings continue to inspire billions, highlighting the strength and impact of His leadership style.
3. Foresight and Vision
ENFJs are known for their visionary outlook. They tend to focus on the bigger picture and the long-term impact of their actions. This foresight is evident in Jesus's teachings and actions. He often spoke in parables, using stories to impart wisdom and lessons that have endured for centuries. He was aware of His ultimate mission and the far-reaching effects of His teachings. He also consistently emphasized the Kingdom of God, a future-oriented concept that extends far beyond immediate circumstances.
Jesus is an ENTJ
1. Jesus Was a Visionary Leader
Jesus of Nazareth demonstrated an impressive ability to create and communicate a transformative vision, a common trait of ENTJs. His teachings weren't merely about religious practices; he conveyed a revolutionary ideology that envisioned a new world order based on love, compassion, and equality. Like typical ENTJs, Jesus was able to inspire and mobilize people toward this grand vision, exhibiting the charisma and influence that ENTJs are known for.
2. Jesus Was a Rational Problem-Solver
Another distinguishing characteristic of ENTJs is their objective and rational approach to problem-solving. Jesus consistently exhibited these traits in his parables, which often utilized logical reasoning to explain spiritual concepts. When faced with tricky theological questions designed to trap him, Jesus responded not with emotion, but with well-reasoned, logical answers that reflected his clear thinking and strategic mindset. Such behavior indicates a strong thinking preference, a dominant trait of the ENTJ personality.
3. Jesus Was Goal-Oriented and Organized
ENTJs are known for their goal-oriented nature and organizational skills. Throughout the New Testament, we see Jesus systematically working towards his mission. From gathering his twelve disciples to performing miracles and sharing parables, each action was geared towards the larger goal of spreading his message. Furthermore, his organization of a large following—despite the societal and political hurdles—echoes the strategic planning skills and determination characteristic of ENTJs.
While it's intriguing to speculate about the personality type of Jesus, it's essential to remember that personality theories, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), offer only a glimpse of a person's complex character. Jesus, the most complicated person in all of history, cannot be placed into any individual category that humans have made. All of this is just a way for us to see how we can connect with Jesus uniquely using our personality types.
Jesus’s teachings and actions remind us that compassion, empathy, and love can be displayed by anyone to anyone, regardless of their personality type.