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Connecting with Jesus as an ESTJ

A photo of a beach with a few small waves with the words “Connecting with Jesus: ESTJ” written over it.

ESTJs can connect with Jesus by focusing on his teachings on service and leadership, and by seeking opportunities to use their organizational and task-oriented skills to make a positive impact on the world.

Understanding ESTJ Preferences

The ESTJ personality type is characterized by extraversion, sensing, intuition, and feeling preferences. ESTJs tend to be logical, efficient, and organized in their approach to life. They value structure, order, and tradition, and tend to be dependable and responsible.

ESTJs are also highly practical and action-oriented, preferring to focus on the present moment and tangible results rather than abstract concepts or theories. They are often drawn to careers in business, management, or the military, where they can use their analytical and organizational skills to achieve success.

Connecting with Jesus as an ESTJ

For ESTJs, connecting with Jesus may involve incorporating their practical and action-oriented approach to life into their spiritual practices. ESTJs may be drawn to the more structured and traditional aspects of Christian worship, such as attending church services regularly or participating in organized Bible study groups.

ESTJs may also find comfort in Jesus' teachings on order and responsibility, such as his parable of the talents, where people are rewarded for their responsible stewardship of resources. They may also appreciate Jesus' emphasis on leadership and authority, as well as his teachings on justice and fairness.

Also, ESTJs may find value in applying their analytical and organizational skills to their spiritual growth and development. They may benefit from setting concrete goals and developing action plans for achieving those goals, such as daily Bible reading or prayer practices. They may also find value in using their organizational skills to create a structured and organized space for their spiritual practices.

In addition, ESTJs may be drawn to Jesus' emphasis on action and service to others. They may find fulfillment in volunteering or serving in their local church or community, using their practical skills to make a positive impact on those around them.


As an ESTJ, connecting with Jesus may involve incorporating your practical and action-oriented approach to life into your spiritual practices. By focusing on structured and organized approaches to worship and applying your analytical and organizational skills to your spiritual growth, you can deepen your connection to Jesus and his teachings. Additionally, by emphasizing Jesus' teachings on leadership, justice, and service to others, you can use your skills and strengths to make a positive impact on the world around you.

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Frequently Asked Questions About

What are the main characteristics of an ESTJ personality type?

The ESTJ personality type, often called the "Executive," is recognized by its extroverted, sensing, thinking, and judging traits. ESTJs are known for their strong leadership abilities, practical logic, and a dedication to duty. They value tradition, order, and well-structured environments. ESTJs are assertive, reliable, and typically have a clear set of standards and beliefs which they live by.

What are common career choices for ESTJs?

ESTJs often thrive in careers that leverage their organizational skills and strong work ethic. Suitable roles can be found in business, management, law enforcement, and military occupations. Their knack for detail-oriented tasks and decision-making abilities also make them effective in roles such as finance, logistics, and project management. ESTJs generally prefer careers that offer clear hierarchies and defined roles.

How do ESTJs behave in relationships?

In relationships, ESTJs are dependable, straightforward, and honest. They value commitment and stability, and they often take their responsibilities towards their partners seriously. ESTJs are generally not afraid to voice their opinions or expectations, and they appreciate partners who are equally direct and reliable. However, they may need to work on being more open to their partners' feelings and perspectives, as they tend to focus more on practical aspects.